EUMBA Scholarship Award Opportunities
Qualifications for Attaining one of the Scholarship Awards
1. Each student must be an active member of their Church and Eastern Union Missionary Baptist Association for one year prior to the scholarship award date, which is in August. (No exceptions)
2. Each student must be an active participating member of their Youth Ministry for 6 months or more and a high school graduating senior for the 2022 school year.
3. An Essay of not less than 400 words(typed) must be submitted along with your application stating why you believe a scholarship award should be granted to you, list your academic achievements, honors and awards, community and church involvement, and career goals.
4. Scholarship applications must be submitted by the student to the Scholarship Committee, on or before the deadline, which is Sunday, August 7th, 2022, to Attn: Pastor Alphonso Guice, Jr. EUMBA, 3420 Petzinger Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43232.
5. Proof of college enrollment receipts may be attached to your application if you have been accepted and completed an early registration with your college, otherwise students must bring “Proof of enrollment” from their college and turn it in to the Scholarship Committee before scholarship awards are made. (Students planning to attend college during the fall semester must apply by the deadline, bring their proof of enrollment from an accredited college, university, trade school, etc., and turn it in to the Scholarship Committee by August 7th, 2022. Awards will be issued at the Annual Frank C. Cleveland Scholarship Banquet. The Banquet this year will be on August 12th, 2022.
(Examples of proof of enrollment: Receipts showing payment for housing deposits, semester course enrollment fees, and new student orientation class fees, from an accredited university, college, trade school, business school, or technical school in the U.S. for the fall, or the following spring semester.)
6. The types of awards and scholarships that will be given are as follows:
1. The “Frank C. Cleveland Scholarship Award” amount is $500.00. Scholarship
2. The “P. Marlene Wyatt Book Scholarship Award” amount is $250.00
3. The “Johnathan A. Jennings I Scholarship Award” is giving (2) $1000.00
4. The EUMBA Congress of Christian Education Scholarship amount is $500.00
Applications will be available in the Association office.
If you have further questions, please contact:
Pastor Alphonso Guice, Jr. Congress President (Acting)
Frank C. Cleveland Scholarship Committee, Chairperson
3420 Petzinger Rd. Columbus Ohio 43232
(614) 638-6720
(The August 7th deadline for turning in your application is final.)